Hand Made Cowboy Boots
Old Tascosa Leather Cowboy Boots
Bob Murray - Maker of Fine Boots
Made in Texas - Worn from Coast to Coast
Cowboy Boots are a true uniquely American art form. Handmade Cowboy Boots are one of the last remaining links to our past and they look great on your feet. A boot is a thing of beauty, a joy to wear, and the product of many hours of labor. The craft survives due to a small group of very dedicated bootmakers. My boots are made the old fashion way - one pair at a time. I operate a "one man shop" and do each of the 250+ steps of bootmaking myself. The entire boot is made by hand, using techniques and tools that have been passed down from generation to generation. It takes approximately 40 hours to make a pair of Handmade boots. My custom boots are Made To Measure on last that are "built up" to match the measurements of the customer's feet. Made To Measure boots are one of the last remaining status symbols connected to the West. No two pairs are exactly alike! There is a substantial difference in "custom handmade/custom fitted boots" and boots that are made in standard sizes or machine built boots.
Due to demand and the handmade bootmaking process, there is a waiting list for my boots. Current delivery is 4-6 months. Call to discuss if you are interested in owning a pair of quality, handmade, Old Tascosa Leather Cowboy Boots. 806-335-5443